To my “White Bird” followers

Just some late night (early morning?) thoughts I felt like sharing.

Who is Daniel Knight?

From a very early age, I invented heroes. Many of them were in comic books. Some of them I invented myself. Sometimes I picked close family members and created heroes out of them in my mind. I expected so much of my heroes that they just could not quite live up to the standards I set for them. 
            I finally sat down and wrote this tale about a young boy discovering his ties to destiny at the age of twelve. How he handled his own doubts and fears while rising to tasks set before him is nothing but heroic. As I created Daniel Knight, I learned much of who I am, so, in a strange way, Daniel created me. I just know that Daniel will always arise to the moment through his doubts, fears, pain, and loneliness. I also know that while I write of him I am less afraid of the tasks set before me. 
            Daniel Knight is my hero and will never let me down. It is a hope inside of me that YOU the reader can find a little of that magic while you are visiting his world.
Please come visit.


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